Similar to a CEX trading platform, we've integrated a suite of parameters and features to help automate your strategies better.
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Similar to a CEX trading platform, we've integrated a suite of parameters and features to help automate your strategies better.
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NOTE: PARAMETER CHANGES ARE SAVED ONLY BY PRESSING Apply Configuration BUTTON. Values of the parameters will be cached locally in some configuration files available in the directory of the MarksmanSwap, so there is no need to set all of them everytime. A notification is shown whenever there are any unsaved settings:
This tab contains mandatory information required to connect MarksmanSwap to the blockchain and to the wallet. WSS Provider is the web socket connection to the node, the endpoint. It represents the means of communication between MarksmanSwap and the blockchain. Each of the supported chains requires its own endpoint connection, meaning that a BSC node will NOT be the same for ETH, and so on and so forth.
Our partner, GetBlock, offers some great nodes for the average Joe user, being reliable and easy-to-use. We also have a discount code, so ask us if interested .
Signing Key is the private key of the wallet to be used with MarksmanSwap. Why is this required? Because any transaction sent to the blockchain must be signed by a wallet. Without this, no transaction can be sent. When performing manual trades on a DEX website, this key is retrieved when the pop-up window of Metamask appears and asks to approve the trade, therefore delaying the trade and losing precious time. With MarksmanSwap, the wallet is always ready to send transactions, without any further step. The key will be cached in a local file in the MarksmanSwap folder and for safety reasons, the text box where the key is introduced does not display the entire key, but only a part of it.
Each mode has its own required parameters. For some modes less parameters are required, whereas for other modes more parameters are required. When a mode is selected, only the required parameters are shown in the GUI. The others are hidden and all the cached values from the unused parameters are ignored.
Buy Amount
Minimum Token Amount
Buy Gas Limit
Buy Gas Price (GWEI)
Buy Transaction Deadline
Sell Transaction Deadline
Approve Gas Limit
Approve Gas Price (GWEI)
Sell Proportion
Sell Slippage
Sell Gas Limit
Sell Gas Price (GWEI)
Buy Only
Sell On Rug
Pegged Liquidity
Target Token
Buy Amount
Minimum Token Amount
Buy Gas Limit
Buy Gas Price (GWEI)
Buy Transaction Deadline
Sell Transaction Deadline
Approve Gas Limit
Approve Gas Price (GWEI)
Sell Proportion
Sell Gas Limit
Sell Gas Price (GWEI)
Buy Only
Sell On Rug
Pegged Liquidity
Target Token
Buy Amount
Minimum Token Amount
Buy Gas Limit
Buy Gas Price (GWEI)
Buy Transaction Deadline
Sell Transaction Deadline
Approve Gas Limit
Approve Gas Price (GWEI)
Sell Proportion
Sell Slippage
Sell Gas Limit
Sell Gas Price (GWEI)
Buy Only
Sell On Rug
Pegged Liquidity
Target Token
Buy Amount
Minimum Token Amount
Buy Gas Limit
Block Delay
Gas Price Increase (WEI)
Buy Transaction Deadline
Sell Transaction Deadline
Approve Gas Limit
Approve Gas Price (WEI)
Sell Proportion
Sell Slippage
Sell Gas Limit
Sell Gas Price (GWEI)
Buy Only
Sell On Rug
Pegged Liquidity
Unicrypt Token
Target Token
Presale Address (PinkSale)
Presale Owner (DxSale)
No. Buy Transactions
Additional buys parameters
The Mempool Sniper requires some special additional parameters. You can notice that there is a 'main buy' area where there are the same parameters governing the buy transaction as for other modes:
and alse another 'secondary' area where there are parameters for additional buy transactions (up to 5 buy transactions in total):
The additional buys have their own Buy Amount, Minimum Token Amount, Block Delay, Gas Price Increase (WEI), but share the same Buy Gas Limit Buy and Transaction Deadline with the main buy transaction.
Note: Mempool Sniper does not require you to set the Gas Price (GWEI), because the buy transactions sent by this mode will use the same GWEI as the liquidity transaction of the target token. ATTENTION: You can only add some extra WEI, but with the RISK of frontrunning the liquidity!
Buy Amount
-the amount to be invested in WBNB,WETH,WMATIC,WFTM (you must own the wrapped tokens)
Minimum Token Amount
-the minimum amount of bought tokens that you would accept, if this minimum is not met, the transaction will be reverted
Buy/Sell Gas Price
– the price in GWEI for every gas unit, ignored for features using the mempool scanning
Buy/Sell Gas Limit
– the limit of gas units used for the buy transaction
Buy/Sell Transaction Deadline
– the number of seconds after which the transaction will get reverted if it is not confirmed on the blockchain
Approve Gas Limit/Price
– gas units and gas price used for approving the router to trade on your behalf(to sell the token after you buy)
– the desired ‘x’ at which the software will send the sell transaction
Sell Proportion ( sell%)
– the proportion of tokens to sell
Sell Slippage
– the slippage used when sending the buy transaction (same as DEX slippage), 100% for Fast Sell
Buy Only
– a flag to indicate that you only want to buy, if this is not checked, the bot will automatically start to compute the value of your tokens and when the xSell is reached, it will sell
Sell On Rug
– a flag to indicate if the bot should sell in case a rug is detected; after performing a buy, the bot will start scanning transactions on the node in order to see if a rugpull is occurring (if removeLiquidity, removeLiquidityWithPermit, removeLiquidityETH, removeLiquidityETHWithPermit methods are called)
Block Delay
– is an experimental feature used for launches with first blocks after liquidty having trading disabled or highly taxed; available only for mempool scanning tools and it inserts a delay before sending the buy transaction. This is experimental, because according to the blockchain principles, a transaction cannot be scheduled to enter in a particular block – there is no deterministic way of doing such thing, we only hope and assume (everything depends on the node and on the validators choice).
Gas Price Increase
– is another feature used only for mempool scanning tools; it allows you to increase the gas price used for the buy transaction, basically you add some more WEI to the gas price used by the liquidity transaction. ATTENTION is required, because even increasing the WEI by 1 can cause you to frontrun the liquidity transaction; should be used with care when network is clogged, a listing is botted a lot, etc
Pegged Liquidity
-specifies if the bot should be used with BUSD or other corresponding pegged(USD) coin for the supported networks; to be used when the token has liquidity in BUSD, USDC...
Target Token
-the address of the token that you want to buy
Unicrypt Token
-used to specify that the token is launched via Unicrypt, mandatory to be checked ONLY when sniping a token launched on Unicrypt; DO NOT check in any other situation
Presale Address (PinkSale)
-the address of the presale from the PinkSale website, required only for tokens that are launched via PinkSale; for other launches it is ignored and the value has no influence; MANDATORY when sniping PinkSale
Presale Owner (DxSale)
-the address of the owner(starter) of the presale on DxSale; required only for tokens that are launched via DxSale; for othet launches it is ignored and the value has no influence; MANDATORY when sniping DxSale; How to get it: search the DxSale presale address on bscscan/etherscan..., click on the contract creation transaction and copy the 'from' field.
No. Buy Transactions
-the number of buy transactions to be sent in total when using the Mempool Sniper; each additional transaction is selected from the dropdown list and configured as desired